Campaigns Wikia
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In English[]

On September, 17th, 2006, elections to Berlin's House of Representatives (Abgeordnetenhaus) will take place. Voting is done by the Additional Member System, in which voters choose a single candidate for their constituency along with a list of candidates which is elected proportionately. In order for at least one member to be elected from the party list, their party must receive at least 5% in list voting. The Governing Mayor (effectively the Prime Minister) and the Senate (the government) is chosen by the House of Representatives and must have a majority, typically leading to a coalition government. The current government is led by a coalition of the SPD and PDS.

In addition, voters will decide on amendments to the Berlin Constitution.

Political Parties taking part in the elections[]

The last parliament included representatives of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS), The Greens (Die Grünen), and the Free Democratic Party (FDP).

The party Labor and Social Justice (WASG), which was founded in 2005, will be standing for elections for the first time in Berlin.


The head of elections in Berlin: Berlin Elections 2006 (in German)

Parteibuch Wiki: Berlin Elections 2006 (in German)

Berlin Politics home page (in English): [1]

Auf Deutsch[]

Am 17. September 2006 werden Wahlen zum Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin und zu den Bezirksverordnetenversammlungen stattfinden. Außerdem wird über Änderungen der Berliner Verfassung entschieden werden.

Politische Parteien, die an der Wahl teilnehmen[]

In der letzten Wahlperiode waren die politischen Parteien SPD, CDU, PDS, Grüne und FDP im Abgeordnetenhaus vertreten.

Das erste Mal wird bei der Abgeordnetenhauswahl 2006 die 2005 gegründete Partei WASG in Berlin antreten.


Der Landeswahlleiter von Berlin: Berliner Wahlen 2006

Parteibuch Wiki: Berliner Abgeordnetenhauswahl 2006
